Friday, February 18, 2011

It's a Slippery Slope

While in Seattle this past weekend we walked around the Fremont Sunday Market. It was one of our favorite things to do in Seattle because the people watching is glorious and we love to check out the "treasures" that people sell. While browsing we passed a booth that had metal flower lawn ornaments...

Not the exact flowers, but close enough.

Our friend Cindy says, "who would ever buy those?" The following awkward conversation ensued -  "I know, right... well, actually my mom bought us a flower for our yard. But it is not tacky at all. It is actually made from old spoons, so it really neat. It's totally cool and the right amount of kitch. And it is pretty small... we have it in our flower bed in the front yard. It looks fine... <mumble, mumble>" All the while, Cindy is looking at me with a, "oh, Jamie" face. 

See it's not that bad. Right? I mean you like it, too. Right?

Friends, I realize I am on a slippery slope. It starts with our one flower and then we add a flamingo for additional kitch factor and the next think you know... BAM! Tacky City, USA is headquartered on our front lawn.

Future Kitzmmer lawn.

This might be a cry for help.


  1. oh I hope you guys keep on sliding down the slippery slop!!! I can't wait to see your yard when it is like that last picture :)

  2. Also past front lawn? I'm pretty sure you lived in a place like that before.
