Thursday, October 27, 2011

Leaves + Wet Snow = Sad Panda

Yesterday was the first snow storm of the 2011-12 season and it was a wet one. (That sounds gross.)  This is Colorado and it is truly Coloradical here, so it was 80 degrees on Monday, 60 degrees on Tuesday and then snowed 6 inches on Wednesday.  What this means is that all the trees still have their beautiful fall leaves so the wet (read: heavy) snow did some damage.  Behold...

This branch fell off our tree in the backyard. It landed between the house and the gar-raj. Thank goodness it did not hit the house or poor Hendrix. It did, however, take down a power line. (Which I later touched - it was not live... but clearly I am idiot. (The I in this sentence is Jamie - Kristina would have known better.)) 

Not to be outdone, the tree in our front yard dropped a branch onto a car. The woman moved her car before we got home so we did not see the destruction - but apparently it busted all her windows and did some serious damage.  I can't wait for her to show up with an insurance claim so I can ask her why on earth she decided to park her car under a tree with large sagging branches after the news warned people that trees were going to break? 

Yeah, this branch was on a car.  The picture above and below are the same branch, different angles.

And on a happy note, Hendrix LOVED his first snow. He was going nuts.

If you look close you can see the snow on his nose. 

Steve (a.k.a. Jamie's dad) is coming over this afternoon with his chainsaw and we are going to cut those mother fu.... yikes, sorry about that.  We are going to move the branches like civilized adults. 

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