Monday, March 21, 2011

Drink Like You're Irish

It's not all toolbelts around these parts! We recently put on our party pants and hosted a Happy Diane O'Neil Day (a.k.a. St. Patrick's Day) Party. And by party pants, we mean party shirts and temporary tattoos. 

Per tradition, we made an obscene amount of Irish Beef Stew.

Kristina prepping for the stew.

Pot o' Meat

We had chairs galore positioned around a fire pit. Awesome, right. Don't get too excited, because we eventually moved all the chairs into the garage (pronounced gay-raj) due to the sub-par weather. 

Kristina decided to combat the poor weather with a Snakebite. If the opportunity shall ever arise, you should ask her to make you one because she is pro. We are talking perfectly separated and equal parts cider to Guinness. 

She's got this on lock so don't worry about her closed eyes. 

Booze Station.
A lot of Baby Guinness were made here. 

In case you are curious about our temporary tattoos...

Kristina shamrocks Irish Boys.

Diane is an Irish Princess. And headed towards a life of crime. 

Jamie is bad ass. Period. 


  1. My hair and sweatpants are amazing in that first picture. Thanks Jamie!

  2. It shows your dedication to the St. Patrick's Day party... green pants and leprechaun hair.

  3. Ashley, every house needs a gay-raj. Eventually we post some more pictures highlighting the magic that is the Gay-raj. (It is the perfect party garage.)
